Despite their best attempts, the family has been unable to find treatment for their kid in Australia. They are now planning to embark upon a painful trip to the US where Bella can receive treatment from the Spero Clinic, located in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Read the full article here.
The parents of a 10-year-old girl living with a debilitating condition, which causes her excruciating pain if she moves or her leg is touched, are on a mission to make her feel better.
“It’s the most painful condition known to humankind,” Melbourne mother Emma Macey told A Current Affair about her daughter Bella.
Read the full article here.
Dr Katinka van der Merwe, who is the world’s leading expert on the condition, said: “It is really, truly an awful condition. It causes pain higher than that of childbirth on the McGill pain scale.”
She added: “Our treatment process is very extensive. It consists of rehabilitating the central nervous system and removing barriers so that the body can heal from within, starting with the central nervous system.”
Read the full article here.
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (Dakota News Now) – Over one hundred kids from Lutheran Social Services were out at the Sanford Sports Complex Thursday, working with players from the Sioux Falls Storm for a football camp. The camp is just one example of how the Storm gives back to the community, but now one of their own has been fighting a battle and needs the communities to help.
The camp was nothing but smiles and joyful screams.
Read the full article here.
Athletes are known for being health buffs, keeping a strict diet, and adhering to stringent discipline. While this is not easy, all these practices ensure they stay in the best physical condition and remain at the top of their game.
However, athletes are only human and can get hurt like everyone else. Though their bodies are stronger and healthier, they are still at risk for diseases and injuries. To a certain extent, they may even have more health concerns than others because of the strain and stress they regularly experience as they force their bodies beyond their limits.
Read the full article here.
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (WGHP) — Complex regional pain syndrome or “suicide disease” is extremely painful, and crippled a Forsyth County girl at age 11.
Four years after her diagnosis, she’s out of a wheelchair and getting to know what life is like without living in pain.
Read the full article here.
Elena is only 26 years old and for almost five years she has been suffering from pain so severe that she is even contemplating a voluntary amputation of her leg. Her odyssey began in 2018 with sharp pains in her left foot. In the meantime, the torment spreads over her entire left leg.
Read the full article here.
Dr. Katinka van der Merwe is making a difference in the lives of her patients suffering from chronic pain. As the daughter of a successful chiropractor, she became one herself and has treated patients across the U.S. and in more than 34 countries.
Read the full article here.
– Jeg kunne isolere meg i dager og uker. Måtte ligge i et mørkt rom. Jeg kunne ikke se på TV fordi lyden var smertefull. Hvis jeg åpnet døren, gjorde det vondt av trekket, sier Kari Olstad. Hun har verdens mest smertefulle sykdom, komplekst regionalt smertesyndrom (CRPS), også kalt «selvmordssyndromet».
– CRPS er som å bli torturert uten pause. Noen ganger hadde jeg så vondt at jeg besvimte av smerten. Olstad fikk etter hvert så vondt i leggen og armen at hun måtte bruke rullestol for å komme seg ut av huset. Hun får nå behandling i USA, og for noen uker siden kunne hun endelig reise seg fra rullestolen.
Read the full article here.
I could isolate myself for days and weeks. Had to lie in a dark room. I couldn’t watch TV because the sound was painful. If I opened the door, it hurt from the pull, says Kari Olstad. She has the world’s most painful disease, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), also called the “suicide syndrome”.
Read the full article here.
Start your patient journey with the Spero Clinic's neurologic rehabilitation program.