After six years of living in torment from a throbbing leg he couldn’t stand on, Red Deer native Jacob Higham is playing basketball again and has no need for pain meds.
The 25-year-old returned from the Spero Clinic in Arkansas cured from a supposedly incurable condition that had plagued him since he sprained his ankle in 2017.
Read the full article here.
“What a remarkable time in my life,” the 49-year-old wrote, announcing that she was now in zero pain following around 165 hours of “treatments, care, pain and miracles” at Spero Clinic.
“What I’ve already experienced beats all the odds. I am so grateful for this moment after almost eight years of profound dizziness, brain fog, fatigue, mobility impairment, and constant excruciating pain I was told would never end.”
Read the full article here.
‘Week seven at the Spero Clinic, after perhaps 150 hours of treatments, care, pain and miracles.’
Tara went on to say that such a simple task as walking without a mobility aid up stairs is a dream come true for her.
‘I walked for over an hour this week, on my own. It was beyond. Treatment is tough, but so worth it,’ she declared.
Read the full article here.
A sliver of hope from the Spero Clinic has given the Gehm family a big next step in getting Jackson the healing he needs. Spero Clinic is an intensive 14-week treatment program in Arkansas that focuses on getting to the root cause of the condition, strengthening the nervous system from within, and boosting the body’s ability to heal itself using the latest science. Spero Clinic staff operate with empathy, excellence, and understanding. Spero Clinic could be the answer to many prayers and questions.
Read the full article here.
Jazmin Farr was jumping on her trampoline when she broke her ankle three years ago. Her life has never been the same since.
Read the full article here.
Ayden Varno’s multi-year battle with long-term COVID was a long battle for him and his family.
Read the full article here.
An Australian family is opening up about their daughter’s debilitating neurological condition.
Bella Macey, 10, was on a family trip in Fiji when she developed an infection from a blister that caused her foot to become inflamed. She was quickly hospitalized and diagnosed with a rare and painful condition called complex regional pain syndrome.
“It’s all sharp, it’s burning, it’s tingly. It’s all sorts of different pain I never knew was possible,” Bella said in an interview with A Current Affair “I can’t have a shower, I can’t have a bath, I can’t put any sheets or anything on [my leg] … even with a tissue, you can’t touch it with anything, otherwise I will scream.”
Read the full article here.
Despite their best attempts, the family has been unable to find treatment for their kid in Australia. They are now planning to embark upon a painful trip to the US where Bella can receive treatment from the Spero Clinic, located in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Read the full article here.
The parents of a 10-year-old girl living with a debilitating condition, which causes her excruciating pain if she moves or her leg is touched, are on a mission to make her feel better.
“It’s the most painful condition known to humankind,” Melbourne mother Emma Macey told A Current Affair about her daughter Bella.
Read the full article here.
Dr Katinka van der Merwe, who is the world’s leading expert on the condition, said: “It is really, truly an awful condition. It causes pain higher than that of childbirth on the McGill pain scale.”
She added: “Our treatment process is very extensive. It consists of rehabilitating the central nervous system and removing barriers so that the body can heal from within, starting with the central nervous system.”
Read the full article here.
Start your patient journey with the Spero Clinic's neurologic rehabilitation program.