The typical EDS/POTS patient has been to many, many different doctors. They have navigated a maze of hospitals, the internet, clinics, and specialists that most people cannot even begin to imagine the sheer magnitude of. They have been misunderstood and misdiagnosed many times. Chances are, they have been at least suspected (if not outright accused) of being pill-seeking junkies or “malingering” (a fancy medical word that basically means you are lying about or exaggerating your pain and symptoms).
The average EDS/POTS patient may go misdiagnosed or undiagnosed for years before they are lucky enough to find out what is wrong with them. Once armed with a diagnosis, we have been shaped by a society that has conditioned us to believe that once we are diagnosed or “labeled,” we now must find a Band-Aid for our symptoms, or find a medication to mask your symptom(s). Then, accept it as a genetic short straw that you must live with for the rest of your life.
The following symptoms were gathered by simply listening to our patients and carefully keeping track of their most common symptoms. Patterns teach you many things. There is wisdom in patterns. When we notice recurring patterns in symptoms, we really start paying attention. Symptoms are more than a nuisance; they teach us about what lies underneath. They help us reverse engineer symptoms, diseases, and conditions, so that we may apply this wisdom to follow the breadcrumbs out of the woods.
Symptoms in these areas are very common in EDS/POTS patients.
Start your patient journey with the Spero Clinic's neurologic rehabilitation program.