Pain anywhere in the body, not directly related to the pain of CRPS, will usually amplify the pain caused by CRPS. Additional examples of strain that can worsen CRPS symptoms:
Stressful emotional triggers cause stress hormones like cortisol to be released, which in turn, increases inflammation and impedes the body’s ability to heal. This can range from stressful family dynamics to noisy or crowded environments.
It’s important to adopt a balanced diet. See our guide on CRPS diet for more information.
If you have CRPS, we recommend limiting caffeine, such as coffee or energy drinks, intake as much as you can. Caffeine is a diuretic that fatigues the adrenal system, increases inflammation and stress on the body, and can further increase GI symptoms for CRPS patients.
Smoking is especially detrimental to those who suffer from CRPS because it decreases oxygen to the brain and increases neurological injury. Alcohol and nicotine add to your toxic chemical load.
Certain medications, both prescribed and over-the-counter (OTC) medications can add tremendous stress to the already stressed body of a CRPS patient. It is very important for every CRPS patient who is taking a lot of medications to support their liver and kidneys with detoxification and nutritional supplements.
It’s best to avoid cosmetics and personal care products with toxic chemicals. A large number of personal care and cosmetic products, including deodorants, lotions, makeup, and even baby shampoos, contain chemicals that are linked to cancer, learning disabilities, birth defects, asthma, and other health problems. The average woman today uses about a dozen personal care products daily, containing more than one hundred and twenty chemicals. I like to tell my patients that if you can’t eat it, you should not put it on your skin.
If you suffer from CRPS, I suggest you take extra care to protect your body from toxic chemicals such as lead (still contained in many lipsticks), phthalates (industrial chemicals contained in almost every cosmetic and personal care product and that have been shown to disrupt the endocrine system), sulfates, heavy metals, and countless other harmful chemicals. A great resource that I recommend to my patients is the Environmental Working group’s “skin deep” website (
Sleeping serves a very important function, especially for those suffering from chronic diseases, such as CRPS. CRPS patients often have lowered immune systems due to the chronic stress their bodies are undergoing physically and emotionally. As a result, poor sleep can exacerbate CRPS symptoms. While you are sleeping, your nervous system has much more energy available for healing. If you are sleep-deprived, your body is missing out on this golden opportunity. It is estimated that your body heals about three times faster while asleep.
Most importantly, it will do you no good if you attempt to treat specific areas of the body where you are experiencing symptoms. The body must be treated as a whole to experience true healing from within and ultimately, CRPS remission.
Unlike the mechanistic approach (that which most medical doctors follow today), the body is not like an engine. What I mean by that is that you cannot just treat different parts, forgetting that every part is connected to every other part. The body is incredibly intelligent, far above our understanding as human beings. Together with our treatment system, we believe that there is one crucial ingredient that should be part of patient care. I call this, our “secret sauce”.
You need a doctor who, above all else, truly cares about you. Doctors are not gods. They are not power figures who may not be questioned. We work for you. Like any good employee, if we are to help you, we have to listen to you and care about you. I throw my passion into every single case that I treat. Every patient represents a goal to me. When listening to my patients, I don’t just want to hear about their pain, I want to know what CRPS took away from them. What is it that they miss? Is it to walk their beloved dog? To travel with their husband? To work in the job they love? To enjoy their grandchildren? These are the things I want them to get back.
Our treatment focuses on restoring immediate normal flow, tone, and function to the Vagus Nerve. This has no side effects.
Unlike most treatments out there today, we do not aim to disrupt or numb the pain signals, we aim to uncover abnormalities in the CNS and restore balance to the Nervous System. The healing occurs from the inside out.
If you or a loved one is in chronic neurologic pain, call us or start your patient journey by filling out the form on the Get Started page to get more information about the Spero Clinic’s neurologic rehabilitation program.
Start your patient journey with the Spero Clinic's neurologic rehabilitation program.